The Conservancy currently maintains four dedicated funds - a land acquisition fund and a defense fund, an endowment fund and an operating fund. Each of these funds has a defined purpose allowing donors different options for assisting the Conservancy in our mission.
If you would like to restrict your gift to one of the funds, please indicate such on the donation page, the memo of your check or with a short note. Gifts received without special instructions are placed in the Operating Fund.
If you would like to restrict your gift to one of the funds, please indicate such on the donation page, the memo of your check or with a short note. Gifts received without special instructions are placed in the Operating Fund.
Donations to this fund are used for the purchase of land or conservation easements and the costs associated with completing these projects such as surveys, appraisals and legal fees. By building this fund, the Conservancy will be able to act immediately when properties that meet our conservation standards are placed on the market.
The Conservancy has an established endowment fund at the Midland Area Community Foundation. The Little Forks Conservancy Endowment Fund will be used to hold contributions that are permanently restricted to using only the earnings to support the work of the Conservancy. The Conservancy is limited to receiving no more than 5% of the fund balance as an unrestricted grant each year.
other options
Planned Giving
There are many vehicles available to donors who would like to support land conservation through planned giving. Contact us or your financial adviser to learn how to include The Little Forks Conservancy in your plans.
If a landowner wishes to maintain full control over the land during his or her lifetime, but assure that it is protected after their death, a property can be bequeathed to The Little Forks Conservancy by will. The gift must be accepted by the Conservancy; therefore, it is important to make sure that the property meets our criteria for acceptance.
There are many vehicles available to donors who would like to support land conservation through planned giving. Contact us or your financial adviser to learn how to include The Little Forks Conservancy in your plans.
If a landowner wishes to maintain full control over the land during his or her lifetime, but assure that it is protected after their death, a property can be bequeathed to The Little Forks Conservancy by will. The gift must be accepted by the Conservancy; therefore, it is important to make sure that the property meets our criteria for acceptance.